The magic ingredient

The ‘Magic Ingredient’ There is one extra element which every entrepreneur needs in order to achieve exceptional results in business, which is the 'magic ingredient 'of people - the people entrepreneurs surround themselves with, and the teams they build. No entrepreneur can achieve high levels of success by themselves. An entrepreneur is only as good as the team they assemble or the partners they bring on board. A Shared Passion & Belief But just as entrepreneurs need to have passion, desire, belief and tenacity and work towards clear goals, every member of the team needs to share the same passion and buy into the goals and the business values at an emotional level. Unless the team shares your entrepreneurial passion and belief, work remains just a job (and nothing more), and as a company you will forever struggle to deliver a remarkable experience for your customers. Team Synergy But the power which comes from having a passionate, driven and talented team is extraordinary. When your team believes and is clear in the goals it is setting out to achieve, then synergy sets in and 2+2 equals not just five, but 10, 15 or even 20. The synergy which comes from a talented team working together in harmony is exponential (just think of America landing a man on the moon). Your success as an entrepreneur will be in proportion to the quality of your team and your ability as an entrepreneur to stand up and provide direction as a leader. Summary: Never think you can do it alone, you must build a great team to surround you Your team must share your passion, belief and desire. Your team must share a common purpose and demonstrate all the other attributes of IBELIEVE No one person is bigger than the team. Only when everybody is working together towards a common goal, will you achieve sustained and lasting success. Questions: Do you have the right people on your team who believe in your company's purpose and vision? Does your team share your passion, belief and determination? SOURCE: Millionaire Upgrade
